It is with great sadness that – for reasons I need not spell out here – for the first time ever, I am obliged to cancel a Tango on the Thames event. Sunday 29rd March 2020 with our friends, Hernan Alvarez Prieto and Flavia Morari, and Dante Culcuy will not now go ahead.
I have, of course apologised to them, but I apologise, too, to all our Tango on the Thames regulars, plus any who were thinking of trying us out for the first time.
We believe Tango on the Thames is a special part of the London tango scene.
It goes without saying that we will be monitoring the situation regarding Coronavirus/COVID 19 very carefully. As soon as it seems that organising our next Tango on the Thames event is a realistic, practical and safe prospect, we will!
And when we do, we will be letting you know in the usual ways.
Meanwhile, the Tango on the Thames Team and I would like thank everyone for their consistent support over the years and to reassure you that, while we may be obliged to close our doors for a while, we are not going away anywhere soon.